Innovative cloud based apps for geotechnical engineers
LAP is an application for analyzing the response of piled foundations subjected to lateral loads and is a stunningly simple alternative to existing desktop applications. LAP includes both non-linear p-y models and an ability to incorporate non-linear M-theta rotational springs that particularly important for large diameter mono-pile foundations for offshore wind turbines. LAP is used by large energy companies, many top tier engineering consultancies and universities throughout the world.
IMPACT is a cloud based application for analysing the driving performance of pile foundations using a 1-dimensional wave equation model. The interaction between pile and soil is captured by non-linear springs and dashpots distributed along the pile shaft and base. The pile-soil springs are based on theoretical continuum models and because the internal soil column is treated explicitly, with separate interaction springs compared with the external soil, it is particularly suitable for large diameter open ended “monopiles” used to support offshore wind turbines. The application also includes the unique ability to be run in a “data driven mode”, whereby the Soil Resistance to Driving (SRD) is computed directly from input Cone Penetration Test (CPT) data.
Described as ‘Dropbox on a map’, Datamap is a user friendly app for making geotechnical data accessible in with an intuitive and interactive mapping tool. Datamap can be used to freely access research data from several field test sites worldwide, including the Australian National Field Testing Facility, in Ballina. Please contact us to discuss a customised version of Datamp to securely store and share data exclusively within your organisation.
PIGLET allows analysis of the response of pile groups, under working load conditions, to provide stiffness and flexibility matrices for the pile cap (including torsional modes) axial, lateral and moment loading at the head of each pile, and profiles of bending moment and lateral deflection down selected piles. Piles are permitted to rake in any direction. The program can analyse piles of different length, as well as of different diameter. Although the analysis is essentially elastic, the effects of non-linear axial and lateral response of individual piles may be quantified, including axial failure of piles that reach specified limiting loads.
CRACA is a new and innovative approach for predicting the time-dependent settlement of embankments on soft soils. Oedometer test data are used directly in the model, avoiding the need to estimate highly subjective soil parameters. CRACA can be applied to embankments with and without prefabricated vertical (wick) drains. Compared to traditional methods, CRACA is exceedingly quick to use, both in run times and the vastly reduced time required to process laboratory test results.
The shallow foundation toolbox is a suite of web based applications for analysing and designing offshore
shallow foundations, anchors and pipelines.
Some of the Companies and Universities using Geocalcs


Geocalcs was established to deliver user-friendly tools to industry and academia based on geotechnical research undertaken at the University of Western Australia.

We are working toward a future where design tools connect more directly with the geotechnical data that informs them, while exploiting scalable cloud computing technology to produce more accurate, reliable and rapid design outcomes.

We combine the world’s leading computational technologies, including MATLAB, Python, C#, Fortran, C, etc. with Amazon Web Services to deliver robust and scalable cloud based applications.

Dr. James Doherty
Senior Lecturer Department of Civil, Mining and Environmental Engineering
The University of Western Australia
Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Prof. Mark Randolph
Centre for Offshore Foundation Systems University of Western Australia
Perth, Western Australia, Australia